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Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 27 May 2013 - 17:20 Permalink

Why exactly should we listen to someone who back in the 1990s made confident predictions of extraordinary events that failed to occur? Sheldon Nidle was and is a ridiculous loon, and if you believe his twaddle you are an even bigger idiot.

Submitted by henry (not verified) on 27 May 2013 - 16:39 Permalink

this message from writer is for people, who want to listen. if that message makes you laugh, then you are not ready,sorry.

Submitted by Alfred Armstrong on 27 May 2013 - 17:20 Permalink

Why exactly should we listen to someone who back in the 1990s made confident predictions of extraordinary events that failed to occur? Sheldon Nidle was and is a ridiculous loon, and if you believe his twaddle you are an even bigger idiot.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 06 May 2012 - 00:25 Permalink

Thanks to this book, I look at my teenage life with utter contempt. My mother moved us out to the countryside because she thought we the world was going to be dark for 3 days. I had no friends, no way of getting to do things, I missed out in the key part of my development as a person. When others reminisce about the fun times they had as a teenager and feel angry and depressed. I want the author of this claptrap to know that I hope they get hit by a ****ing truck.
Submitted by pseudonym (not verified) on 10 Jan 2012 - 02:52 Permalink

Something? Just one thing? I think your premise is severely flawed, becoming horrible and cruel? Was it better during the inquisition, the punic wars, the holocaust, it's always been bad but the world is less violent than at any point in known history. The irrational beliefs of the fools we laugh at lead to genocide, torture, intolerance, if they feel bad for having their beliefs ridiculed that's not my fault just the faulty wiring in the human brain. If reason and evidence could persuade crackpots I would use it exclusively but they just dig in deeper, not their fault either our brains aren't built for logic, I laugh because the alternative is to scream and rage and that is definitively the worst method.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 09 Jan 2012 - 09:20 Permalink

Why do we find it okay to laugh at things/people just because it/they are different or because we don't understand. It's okay if you don't understand, or don't want to understand, but we shoudn't redicule those that do... should we? I think even the most hardened person deep down knows its cruel... We should all have something to believe in... This is becoming a horrible and cruel world and to be honest i have been saying for a long time something needs to change.... We have all become so materialistic and selfish, things need to change to make this a better place a place where you don't have to worry about what kind of future our kids will live in.
Submitted by pseudonym (not verified) on 10 Jan 2012 - 02:52 Permalink

Something? Just one thing? I think your premise is severely flawed, becoming horrible and cruel? Was it better during the inquisition, the punic wars, the holocaust, it's always been bad but the world is less violent than at any point in known history. The irrational beliefs of the fools we laugh at lead to genocide, torture, intolerance, if they feel bad for having their beliefs ridiculed that's not my fault just the faulty wiring in the human brain. If reason and evidence could persuade crackpots I would use it exclusively but they just dig in deeper, not their fault either our brains aren't built for logic, I laugh because the alternative is to scream and rage and that is definitively the worst method.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 25 Feb 2011 - 06:10 Permalink

Hi, can I get this book in Popular or any else bookstore?Pls reply asap.Thanks.
Submitted by aria brayton (not verified) on 11 Oct 2009 - 20:50 Permalink

Hey! I thought I felt kinda funny when I woke up this morning. I attributed it, at first, to the hangover I incurred the night before. But, no. No, I can feel it. I'm becoming a galactic human. That's it.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 12 Sep 2009 - 02:18 Permalink

Here's a youtube where you can see Sheldan in all his balding, gap-toothed glory giving us the layout of a Sirian mothership. If you can get through it without being put to sleep, you're a stronger person than I.
Submitted by Bitterly Books (not verified) on 07 Sep 2009 - 00:47 Permalink

Those Sirians are at it again! They're such pranksters. Evelyn Fuqua wrote about the time they swapped souls with Rose/Athor, and it was a hoot! ... if you define "hoot" as "seriously disturbed woman possibly suffering from delusional schizophrenia," I guess.