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Odd Books
Frank Harris
Amanda M Ros
Webster Edgerly
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Frank Harris (1856-1931)
Frank Harris who's who
People who have some association with Frank Harris, in alphabetical order by surname.
Abergervenny, Lord
Adams, Florence Ruth
Adams, Francis William Lauderdale
Adey, More
Albert of Monaco, Prince
Alexander, George
Alexander, John White
Alice of Monaco, Princess
Allen, Grant
Arnold, Matthew
Asquith, Herbert
Asquith, Mrs. Emma Alice
Austin, Alfred
Austin, Mary
Bagnold, Enid
Bain, Linda Morgan
Balfour, Eve
Balfour, Lord Arthur
Bancroft, Ned
Banks, Eldon
Barbusse, Henri
Barker, George J.
Barker, W. J.
Barnato, Barnet Isaacs
Barrett, Wilson
Bassett, Judge
Baumann, A. A.
Beardsley, Aubrey
Beardsley, Mabel
Becket, Ernest
Beckett, Ernest William
Bedborough, George
Beerbohm Tree, Sir Herbert
Beerbohm, Max
Beit, Alfred
Bell, Thomas
Bennett, (Enoch) Arnold
Bennett, James Gordon
Bercovici, Konrad
Berkman, Alexander
Bernhardt, Sarah
Bigge, Dr.
Bjorkman, Edwin
Blathwayt, Raymond
Blunt, Wilfred, Scawen
Bodin, Pierre
Borthwick, Sir Algernon
Bottomley, Horatio
Boulanger, George Ernest Jean Marie
Bower, Sir Graham
Bradley, Andrew Cecil
Bradley, Professor A C
Broadley, A. M.
Brome, Vincent
Browning, Robert
Brunetière, Ferdinand
Bruno, Guido
Buller, (Sir) Redvers Henry
Burdett Coutts, Baroness Angela Georgina
Burgess, Paddy
Burleson, A. S.
Burnaby, Frederick Gustavus
Burns, John Elliot
Burton, Sir Richard Francis
Caillaux, Joseph Marie Auguste
Cairns, Arthur William
Cairns, Hugh McAlmont
Cairns, Earl
Cairns, Earl
Caldwell Smith, Gerrit
Caldwell Smith, Mary
Cambridge, Duke of
Cameron, Veney Lovett
Campbell, Mrs. Patrick
Campbell, Lady Colin
Campbell-Everden, Mr.
Carlyle, Alexander
Carlyle, Thomas
Carrel, Frederic
Chapman, Frederic
Charles, George William Frederick
Churchill, George Charles
Churchill, Winston
Churchill, Lord Randolph Henry Spencer
Clayton, Emily May
Cluer, Albert Rowland
Collins, John Churton
Congden, Frances Mary
Congden, May
Conrad, Joseph
Cunninghame Graham, Robert Bontine
Damien, Father
Daudet, Alphonse
Davidson, John
Del Castillo, Canovas
Desborough, Lord
Dickson, General Sir Collingwood
Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth
Dilke, Lady Emilia Francis Strong
Dobson, Austin
Douglas, (Lord) Alfred Bruce
Dowden, Edward
Durand, Marguerite
Edmunds, Lewis
Edward VII, King
Escott, Thomas Hay Sweet
Finch-Hatton, Harold Heneage
Fischer, Kuno
Folkestone, Lord
Forbes, Archibald
Fortescue, May
Fowler, Sir Robert
Frederic, Harold
Froude, James Anthony
Garmoyle, Lord
Gertz, Elmer
Gilbert, (Sir) William Schwenck
Girodias, Maurice
Granier, Jeanne
Greenwood, Frederick
Grenfell, William Henry
Grey, (Sir) Edward
Grimthorpe, Lord
Grossmith, George
Haldeman-Julius, Emanuel
Hardy, Thomas
Harmsworth, Alfred
Harris, Emily May
Harris, Florence Ruth
Harris, Frank
Harris, Nellie
Heine, Alice
Henley, W E
Henniker Heaton, Sir John
Hofmeyr, Jan
Holmes, Sir Richard
Hooley, Ernest Terah
Horridge, Sir Thomas
Howard, Henry Fitzalan
Hutchinson, Sir Jonathan
Hutton, Richard Holt
Hyndman, Henry Mayers
Ihne, Professor Wilhelm
Ingalls, Senator John James
Irving, Henry
James, Henry
Jennings, Louis
Jessel, Sir Charles
Jeune, Lady Mary
Joel, Woolf
John, Augustus
Johnson, Lionel Pigot
Jusserand, Jean Adrien Antoine Jules
Kahane, Jack
Kahn, Otto
Kalnay, Mr
Kelvin, Lord William Thomson
Kennard, Sir Coleridge Arthur Fitzroy
Kingsmill (Lunn), Hugh
Knollys, Sir Francis
Lowell, James Russell
Maclaren-Ross, Julian
Mansfield, Katherine
McKay, Jim
Mordell, Albert
Morley of Blackburn, Viscount
Morley, John
Murray, Douglas
Murry, John Middleton
Nevill, William
Norfolk, 15th Duke of
Northcliffe, Viscount
O'Hara, Nellie
Pater, Walter
Pearsall, Robert Brainard
Pearson, Hesketh
Prince of Wales, Edward,
Pullar, Philippa
Richards, Grant
Rider, Dan
Root, E.M.
Ross, Robert
Roth, Samuel
Scully, Frank
Shaw, George Bernard
Sherard, Robert Harborough
Smith, Professor Byron Caldwell
Stead, William Thomas
Stephens, Kate
Thomson, William
Tobin, A.I.
Ward, Percy
Weintraub, Stanley
Wells, Herbert George
Whistler, James Arthur McNeill
Wilde, Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie